Various Artists - Between Islands

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CD1 - Studio: 15 Tracks:
Western Isles Musicians: Out On The Islands * Shetland Musicians: Summer Sun * Orkney Musicians: I'll Always Leave The Light On * Saltfishforty And Jame Hepburn: The Curly Doddy / The West To North Sound / The Last Queen of Burray * Kris Drever & Linda Macleod: The Fadachd Orm Fhin * Neil Johnstone and Louise Bichan: Whal's Rost / Colin Scott Mackenzie of Stornoway / PM Donald MacLean Of Lewis / The Lost Summer *Arthur Nicholson and Julie Fowlis: Don't Make A Sound * Maggie Adamson And Kathleen Macinnes: An Teud Thu Leam? * Neil Johnstone: Lament For Eilidh Macleod Of Barra * Willie Campbell And Jenny Napier Keldrie * Project Love: Willie Campbell / Kris Drever / Arthur Nicholson: Rollin And Tumbling / Phantom Limbs / Supernatural Powers / Our Contentment / Spindrift.

CD2 - Live: 15 Tracks:
Project Two Tracks: Svecia / In & Oot Da Harbour / Spootiskerry * Unst Wedding / Mairis Wedding/ St Kilda Wedding * CBC Winnipeg / Melville * Cianalas * Maggie Robertson's reel / Congrave's Sound / Hurlock's Reel * Da Slockit Light * Crossing The Minch / The Dancing Waves / Da New Rigged Ship.
Musicians: Maggie Adamson, Louise Bichan and Jane Hepburn Macmillan Accompanying musicians: Conor Hearn, Neil Johnstone, Brian Nicholson and Andy Yearley, recorded live in An Lanntair, Stornoway.
Project Three Tracks: Fishing Puirt: Fiddle Tunes The Stronsay Weaver * Lonely Scapa Flow * Faroe Rum / Aandowin At Da Bow / Forfeit Of Da Ship * Mi Le Muillean (with the Nicolson Institute Choir * Souls Across The Sea *Thulgag Bhoidheacg / Irom Suirghe * Uibhist Mo Graidh * Howe Hornpipe.
Musicians: Julie Fowlis, Jenny Napier Keldie, Linda Macleod, Kathleen Macinnes, Accompanying musicians: Andrew Gifford and Erik Laughton (Orkney Folk Festival). Recorded Live at An Lanntair, Stornoway and the Orkney Folk Festival.

This An Lanntair double album features Julie Fowlis, Kris Drever, Kathleen MacInnes, Saltfishforty and many more.

The Between Islands project was created by An Lanntair Arts Council in Stornoway on the Isle Of Lewis. Its aim is simply to encourage collaboration between the arts and heritage communities of Orkney, Shetland and the Hebrides, and this recording presents just some of the material that has been created to date through the musical element of the initiative.

The Musicians:
Maggie Adamson, Louise Bichan, Willie Campbell, Kris Drever, Julie Fowlis, Neil Johnstone., Jenny Napier Keldie, Kathleen Macinnes, Jane Hepburn Macmillan, Arthur Nicholson, Saltfishforty.

Between Islands Project had to cancel its planned scheduled performances due to the covid virus and lockdown.

"Originally meant to be released as a live Cd, this collection therefore now also contains studio recordings and some entirely new collaborations as the artists worked across projects during the lockdown period. It serves as a reminder of what can be achieved when we join forces, and the real joy is that there is no limit on what we can create in the future, as the islands continue to produce world-class artists year on year." Alex MacDonald, Between Islands Project Coordinator, An Lanntair.

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