Music samples
(December 2005) 13 tracks (72 mins): Medley of Children's Songs (Stanley Robertson) * The Trees They Are High (Duncan Williamson) * Those Men of the Forest (Duncan Williamson) * Story: Jack and the Three Jewels (Stanley Robertson) * John Barleycorn (Duncan Williamson) * The Golden Vanity (Duncan Williamson) * Young Emslie (Gabrielle Idjo) * Queen Jane (Duncan Williamson) * The Butcher Boy (Duncan Williamson) * Johnny o the Brine (Stanley Robertson) * Fortune Turns the Wheel (Duncan Williamson) * Story: The Silkie's Revenge (Duncan Williamson) * Closing Our Camping Grounds Down (Duncan Williamson).
Duncan Williamson was born in 1928, in a tent on the shores of Loch Fyne. His remarkable autobiography, The Horsieman, was recently reprinted by Canongate Press of Edinburgh.
Stanley Robertson learnt many of his songs and stories from his aunt, Jeannie Robertson, who made several record albums in the 1960's. In turn, Duncan and Stanley have passed on many of the songs and tales that they know to their children, and these CDs also include recordings made by Duncan's son, William, and Stanley's daughter, Gabrielle.
"To lovers of Scots song and story, to ballad students and to anyone wanting to investigate the cream of this island’s heritage, this is a ‘must have’ collection." (Steve Gardham, English Dance and Song)
"This is classic material from seasoned traditional performers." (John Howson, Veteran Records)
"These albums are essential for anyone with a serious interest in Scotland’s traditional culture." (Vic Smith, fRoots)
"This is bedrock material of the highest quality and will I’m sure prove to be a rich source for singer, storyteller and listener." (Geordie McIntyre, The Living Tradition)
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