Music samples
(November 2012) 12 tracks: Ca' The Yowes Tae The Knowes * Scottish Soldier * Morning Has Broken * Hey Ca' Thru' * Peat Fire Flame * Gospel Medley: Over My Head / Down To The River To Pray / Down By The Riverside / Soon And Very Soon * Scots Wha Ha'e * Mairi's Wedding * This Is Me * The Midges * Conhla Riut-sa * My Heart's In The Highlands.
Philip has lived in Caithness in the north of Scotland for the last ten years and this CD is his tribute to the area.
Philip Todd (vocals, guitar, piano), Matthew Todd (vocals, kentigern harp, piano), Amy Todd (vocals, clarsach), Judith Rae (cello), Alastair MacDonald (accordion), Grant Lyall (drums, bodhran), Nathan Todd (vocals), Christine Stone (backing vocals) Andrew Harvey (bagpipes), The Harrow Terrace Music Group (Children's Choir): Philip, Matthew, Amy, Kirsten, Laurence Todd.
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