Music samples
(1997) 13 tracks: Charles O' Conor / Father Hanly * O Ho Nighean, E Ho Nighean * Madam Maxwell * The Pullet / The Volunteer * An Speic Seoigheach * The Humours of Ballyloughlin * Hindero Horo * The Bantry Girls' Lament * The Gander in the Pratie Hole / The Queen of the Rushes * Carolan's Farewell to Music * The Fisherman's Hornpipe / The Cuckoo's Nest * The Boys of Malin / The Old Oak Tree * Planxty Sudley.
Maire Ni Chathasaigh has an international reputation as an exponent of traditional Irish music on the harp. Maire's unique approach to the instrument has been a prime influence on Irish harp playing in recent years.
With her knowledge of traditional music, as played on other instruments, an ear for her native music and analytical habit of mind, she has evolved a traditional style for her instrument, particularly in relation to dance music, which is outstanding.
"Perhaps the next step for those weaned onto Irish harp music and the wonderful Gaelic harmonies of Clannad ... a truly enchanting release." (Music Week)
"No chance of your mind wandering while Maire Ni Chathasaigh is performing." (Folk Roots)
"An album of harp music that unquestionably deserves to be hailed as a classic exercise in music making" (The Scotsman)
"One of the loveliest albums for many a year" (Folk on Tap)
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